More of Savannah’s Frozen party

One week has passed since Savannah’s party and I am so relieved. It was fun panning and hosting, but my poor baby was feeling yucky so her party was not as much as I would have liked.

I do have to say I was pretty proud of myself for the party bags. After all 7 girls plus her Spanish teacher arrived and got settled, we got started on making Olaf bags. I bought white paper sacks, printed off Olaf parts and let the kids color and decorate their bags.  Each bag was different and unique to that child. Image

After food, cupcakes and ice cream, the girls sat down to watch Frozen. While they watched, I out their goodies in their Olaf bags to take home. I found some blue glitter pencils at the dollar store to put in there. After Christmas at Michael’s Arts and Crafts, I purchased some sticker books with smiley faces, hearts, peace signs and funny sayings for a quarter. It wouldn’t be a girly party without makeup of some sort, so I put blue nail polish in each bag. And the best goody, according to Savannah was the Elsa barretts. I found some baby hair clips and hot glued snowflakes on the barrets.(I have to admit they turned out really cute for this non-creative mom).


Last but not least, Savannah and I created build a snowman bags. We printed the Olaf picture on some cardstock and added “Thanks for coming to my party-From Savannah”.  Then we put 3 large marshmellows, one small marshmellow, two pretzel sticks for arms, and some mini M&M’s for buttons and eyes.

One of my Crossfit coaches had a Frozen party for her daughter the weekend before ours and I saw her pictures on Facebook of the girls and a life size cardboard Elsa and Anna. After I mentioned our party to her, she sold me the stand up Elsa and Anna along with a ‘Pin the carrot nose on Olaf’ game. The game was a hit. The kids had a blast pinning Olaf’s nose on his neck, belly and butt. I intended to take each girl’s picture with the stand up Elsa and Anna, but staying true to 7 year old attention span, they took off for the trampoline and the pictures never got taken. I did manage one group picture.


All in all, the party was a huge hit. I am concerned that I have set the bar too high and next year, I am going to have to really pull something big out.